Work With Me
my story
Hi, my name is Vibeke and I love worship dance.
As a professional dancer for many years, I’ve danced in several TV stations, different productions and musicals.

When I was 19 years old, living in Paris, I did experience the hardship of dance, like sex pressure, jealousy and unhealthy competition.
That year all the joy of dance got killed inside of my heart...

26 years old I came to know the Lord, which was a life changing experience for me. And the life as a dancer turned around. I suddenly felt hope, love and joy again. The things I thought was important in life before, suddenly felt different now. God definitely restored the purpose in my life and how I could love again. I felt an invitation from Him to start a Christian dance school.
Because of my past there were some things that was very important to me...

1. I wanted the school to bring Unity and create a community among all dancers
2. I wanted us to honor God in what we did by putting the Heart Of Worship first
3. I wanted to inspire people to become Leaders That Develop Leaders

Building the dream for Unity Dance Center wasn’t without it’s challenges. At times I felt lonely and rejected by some of the people around me that didn’t have the value for dance and the dreams in my heart.

At one point it all changed, because I just knew that I will give all my strength to do this anyway with God.
But all this changed when I was invited to TV Norway, a popular Christian TV channel and was finally in the midst of people that embraced creativity and God. Because of their belief in me and the dream God put on my heart for the dance school I decided to give it my all.

Today I travel and teach prophetic worship dance to schools and churches. I want to help people to find their identity and voice through dance. This became a healing ministry as through worship dance people were experiencing freedom, healing and deliverance. This is a passion and love I have.
as seen on...
When I started out I felt alone and rejected, but then I discovered how it's possible to launch a faith based worship dance school and 2 years later I was the end of my loneliness and now I am on a mission to help others just like you!
Monthly Live Inspiration
Do you want to be inspired and connect with other worship dancers all over the world?

Once a month we will meet over a video conference to share, pray and inspire one another in our calling as God's artists.
Worship Dance Course
Do you want to learn the foundation for worship dance?

Dance Yourself Into Freedom online course will give you some basics tools, understanding and confident to embrace yourself in your worship dance calling.
Accelerator Academy
Do you want to start your own worship dance ministry or school?

Accelerator Academy will help you launch your God given ministry and school. You will learn everything from mindset to how to establish yourself online.
 testimonials from people that have worked with unity:

Claire McClung

Amy Tang

Kristine Øyvang

Lauren Auditore

Erin Pugh

Geir Økland

Yining Li

Joyce Miller

Ester Frantzen Aarsland

FREE 5 Day Challenge
How To Dance Yourself Into Freedom With Confidence And Boldness...
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